What the Heck Do We Do? Get to Know Our Services

What the Heck Do We Do? Our Services

This post is a part of our services overview series, “What the Heck Do We Do?”


If you’ve ever stared at a blank page at a loss, contemplating how to best describe your business or how to engage your audience, you’re not alone. That empty canvas with the blinking cursor is a universal foe for writers everywhere. Somewhere along the way, you’ve probably heard that “writing is a solitary journey.” So, you sit down in front of your blank page, with your door closed and your phone set to do-not-disturb, and you get started.

But what do you do when the words just don’t come? Maybe you force out some bullet points and call it a day, or you start to research tips for writing and get sucked into a rabbit hole of distractions. Often, you may close the page and decide you’re just not cut out for writing at all.

Writer’s Block Solutions is a team of storytellers who love to collaborate and partner with businesses, professionals, entrepreneurs, and individuals looking to make an impact. We’ve helped our clients reach a wide variety of goals by telling their stories—so they don’t have to subscribe to a lonely, solitary writing journey at all.


Our Services

Our goal is always to get to know you

What hopes do you have for your communications? Are you looking to define and position your organization as experts or industry leaders? To build and maintain brand awareness and a social media following? Maybe you’re looking to educate, inform, or attract your audience; or to communicate your purpose, goals or achievements. Regardless, you probably want to be sure that all your communications—including internal and external media, and marketing initiatives—are clear, effective, and on brand.

Our backgrounds in journalism and English help us investigate your needs and produce polished, professional writing that authentically delivers your voice and messaging.


Communications Consultation & Strategy

As a business or entrepreneur, you have a lot of communications channels to keep track of. Chances are, you’re juggling a website (or you should be!), client emails and/or a newsletter, plus one or several social media accounts — and that’s not to mention all the in-person or phone communicating you do. We’re here to help!

Engaging in our Communications Consultation & Strategy will clearly define your goals and audience, and provide a framework for your communications. We’ll conduct some research and bring you through a branding exercise to get to know you, your company, and your clients or customers. Once we know more about you, we consult on tone, define language guidelines, and help you determine the best methods for communicating with your target audience(s). This process will take you from the dread of “What do I talk about?!” to a clear path forward on what to say and how to deliver it.

By the end, you’ll have a clear and consistent outline of your brand, presented in a single document that is easy for you to reference for all business-related communications. Once we know your story, we’ll be well-equipped to tailor content that comes from the very heart of who you are.


Website Solutions: Consultation, Strategy & Copy

Engaging in a Website Consultation & Strategy will help you clearly define your goals and audience, and provide a framework for your website copy. If you already have a website, or a test site you’re looking to populate, we’ll audit your existing site to help inform our recommendations. In addition to defining some visual parameters and making recommendations on pages, sections, and user experience design, we’ll also develop tone and language guidelines during this process to give us, you, and any other collaborators a clear game plan for creating your website.

Whether you’re looking to revamp your existing copy or start fresh, we’d love to help you tell the story that sets your company apart, makes a positive impression, and encourages sales and new connections.


Social Media Solutions: Consultation, Strategy & Content

Social media engagement builds community and connection with your customers, clients, and audience, but it can be a challenge to know where to start without feeling like you’re screaming pointlessly into the void. Engaging in a Social Media Consultation & Strategy will help you clearly define your goals and audience. We will provide a framework for your social media content that draws your target audience and encourages them to engage with you or your brand. If you already have one or more social media accounts, we’ll audit your existing profiles to help inform our recommendations. In addition to defining content guidelines and making recommendations on which platforms to use for what, we’ll develop and define brand, tone, and language parameters during this process. This gives us, you, and any other collaborators a clear game plan for communicating via social media.

The consultation and strategy process will provide you with a clear and consistent outline of your brand, presented in a single document that will equip you to create social media content that comes from the very heart of who you are. From that, we can further support you in drafting, editing, and revising social posts for all your platforms. We always include hashtags and suggestions for photo and/or video content because visuals are vital to effectively speaking to your social communities. 

Please note: we do not post/upload content or manage social channels on our clients’ behalf; however, we’re happy to refer you to one of the social media managers in our trusted block of professionals.


Author Solutions: Book Editing

As writers and editors, we understand how fulfilling but brain-draining drafting a story can be. You have to stick to the conventions of your genre, create relatable characters with rich backstories (while avoiding info-dumps), insert conflict and resolution at appropriate times, write realistic yet plot-propulsive dialogue, and then wrap it all up with a satisfying, cohesive conclusion. We can help you do that at any or all stages in the editing process: developmental/substantive, stylistic, copyediting, and/or proofreading. If you need help identifying what level of editing you need, review our breakdown of each editing stage here.

We also know that the journey doesn’t stop there. Indie and traditional publishing requirements and processes are quite different. Approaching traditional publishers involves querying literary agents for representation first, so we offer packages and add-ons for everything from social media pitches and query letters to author bios and synopses. If you’re opting to self-publish your book on platforms such as Amazon KDP, IngramSpark, or another, a query letter won’t serve you, but author bios, synopses, and back-cover copy will all be crucial to your final manuscript.

If you’d like to consult with us about other services, such as your marketing, website, and other communications strategies as an author, contact us to tailor the right solution for you!


Media & Marketing Solutions

High-quality content is key, and business people from all fields are seeing the value in effective communications. While spelling and grammatical errors can make you look careless or unprofessional, it doesn’t stop there. Producing a polished product will set you apart from your competitors. Communicating with fun, unique language or humour can do the same. We work with you to refine your copy and develop a voice that resonates with your audience. We’re experienced in writing, editing, and proofreading everything from large documents to single-or-half-page ads or small marketing blurbs.

We specialize in:


Let’s Create the Right Solution for You

If you have a specific project in mind that includes one or more of the services detailed above, or even if you’re dreaming up something else entirely, we’d love to create a package that suits you. Before we get started, it’s important for us to develop an understanding of your goals and objectives so we can tailor the right package; typically this requires a Communications Consultation & Strategy package. But if you don’t see what you’re looking for here, that doesn’t mean we don’t do it! Our enthusiasm for learning about you and what drives you is earnest; the time we take to truly understand our clients is what sets us apart.

If you have a unique idea or need help generating ideas, creativity and brainstorming are right up our alley, so please get in touch. Let’s put our heads together and get to the heart of the story.

As of January 2023, Writer’s Block Solutions team rolled out new-and-enhanced services that lean into our team’s skills and expertise. Contact us for a copy of our most up-to-date services & rates deck!

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